Friday, May 23, 2014

God Bless My Child With Assurance of Your Love and Grace

Lord, thank you for Your unfailing love and grace. Thank You that Your mercy never comes short of reaching me. I want my child to know this at his very core, at his very young age.

As he walks out his life, allow Your presence to be so real to him.

I will teach him Your Words and Your promises so You will always be close to his heart.

I am evidence of Your continued grace. It clothes me as a garment each morning. Each breath I take is reassurance that You are still with me. Each day may he sense You near.

During difficult times and even failure, draw him to Your side, speaking mercies in his ear. During doubt, may his heart cry out the Words of His Father.

May he know You so well so young. Give him tastes of You so his heart will want for more.

Your grace is immeasurable. I will see to it that my child knows Your present love and has the assurance of Your unfailing love. I will show him my confidence in Your grace through my faith and praises. I will speak of Your never-ending kindness and compassion toward us, Your children. I will point out the evidence of Your presence.

Thank You, Father, for Your expressed mercy and obvious faithfulness to us.

In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading---Psalm 84:11, John 1:14, John 3:16, 2 Cirinthians 9:8, 1 Timothy 1:14

Thursday, May 22, 2014

God Bless My Child With Creativity

How faithful the Lord is to provide counsel and wisdom to parents who ask Him for it!

I encourage you to intercede on behalf of your children while they are growing, maturing, and developing skills, personality traits, and talents. Continual prayer will keep you sensitive and in a posture of readiness to take your child before His throne.

God Bless My Child With Creativity
Father, bless my child with a creative mind. Creative, not just in artistic ways, but creative processing in finances, business and in difficult situations that need out-of-the-ordinary thinking.

Help him to manifest wisdom and solutions in his personal world and in the corporate setting. May he present resourceful solutions for employers and clients. May he be sought out for his problem-solving abilities.

Bless him with abilities to heighten the senses by revealing the many concealed beauties and sounds of art and music. Bless my son with God-given interpretations, revealing truths that seem obscure and delivering them in a current, artful passion to the people.

May he participate in the art of praise as David did in his songs of worship to minister in the assembly of the people; to bring voices together as one for one purpose of glorifying the One Most Holy Creator.

Father, You, who first spoke all things into existence show us the ultimate in creative thinking. Creativity is an important attribute to possess in our society; a gift that can aide in so many areas of life.

I want my child to have every advantage to gain success in his life. Bless him with abilities to make him stand out in his field.

Thank you, Lord, for being our true example of inspired, artistic and innovative thinking. You are the Master over all.

In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

God Bless My Child With A Good Outlook On Life

Father, bless my child with a hope filled life; may he have a constant lookout for the best as a child of God. I want him to be full of great expectations when he wakes up in the mornings. I want him to understand the promises in Your Word are for him.

Develop within him positive characteristics to carry him through life. Place in the forefront of these characteristics --- hope. Build within him evidence of this unseen strength.

As people talk to him may this attitude be contagious. When he speaks, let people hear the confidence he has in You to secure his future.

Grant him peace on his journey. When the fog rolls in and shortens the distance of vision, his outlook will remain unchanged. Set his gaze on You.

Secure his hope to never be less than what You are able to accomplish.

Paul said, “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14) Fix his sights on the goal and encourage his mindset to be finishing the race with an untiring confident trust in His God.

In the Name of Jesus ---Amen

Additional reading: Psalm 5:3, Psalm 39:7, Psalm 43:5, Psalm 62:5, Psalm 71:14, Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

God Bless My Child With Wisdom

My parents still pray for me and for my family. They do not come to the Lord with quick “Bless them, Lord” prayers but they take specific requests to Him till the evidence of His response is recognized. 

 They are sensitive to our needs and are watchful for matters of prayer. They have prayed with me for the needs of my kids, everything from sickness to college choices. There is no request too large or too small for the Lord. I have been the subject of prayer and I have experienced the answers.

God Bless My Child With Wisdom
Father, Solomon speaks of wisdom as a person; a person who will promote you and bring you honor when she is embraced; who will place ornaments of grace on your head and she will deliver you.

“Get wisdom! Get understanding! . . . Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; Love her, and she will keep you . . . Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:5-7)

Above all that I ask for my child, may he be blessed with this wisdom. James tells us that if we lack wisdom, we can ask You and You will give it liberally and without reproach (James 1:5) and this not just for my child, Lord, but I ask for myself. How can one walk in this world and raise a family without this precious gift? Grant an abundant supply to help me through the days of teaching these treasures of the heart to my child.

Grant my son a limitless supply and the ability to hear the voice of wisdom calling when he is greeted by the lust of the flesh and the attacks of the deceiver. May he heed her warnings in his youth and give ear to the voices of his teachers; may he follow the instruction of the wise and find favor in the sight of God and man.

May the blessings of wisdom follow him all of his days; blessings of long life and peace, favor and high esteem, guidance and good health, strength and happiness,riches and honor, sweet sleep and the absence of fear (Proverbs 3).

Lord, may he keep Your instruction close to his heart for it is life and health for him. May wisdom be the principle thing. Thank you for this valuable gift.

In the name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading: Exodus 31:3, 2 Chronicles 1:10-12, Psalm 111:10, Proverbs 3:13, Proverbs 8:11

Monday, May 19, 2014

God Bless My Child With A Thirst For Righteousness

Lord, Solomon said that “In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death” (Proverbs 12:28). He has declared out of his wisdom the rewards of the righteous man. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6).

Prepare the heart of my child to be one who seeks and presses in for the righteousness of God. I understand that we cannot obtain our own righteousness but You have provided that for us by faith through Jesus.

I ask that my son come to this understanding at a very early age; to know that through faith, right standing before You is our promise. Let him hear Your calling and respond with a hunger that leads to You.

May he continue to search after You the rest of his days, renewing his passion for You every morning. Make Yourself known to him. At his every turn may he run into Your presence till he knows Your ways, Your voice, and Your Words better than he knows his own.

As a servant responds to his master, as a Bride to her Bridegroom, may my child respond to You like the need for water. As in a dry land, his body would thirst for drink; so be it for his spirit to seek for that which quenches.

May he hunger for the food of virtue; may he thirst for Your righteousness; and may he seek for that which brings him life.

In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading: Deuteronomy 4:29, Psalm 11:7, Psalm 33:5, Isaiah 26:9, Isaiah 32:17

Sunday, May 18, 2014

God Bless My Child with Great Abilities

Lord, You have blessed my son with many abilities. You have placed within him all that is needed to fulfill Your purpose for his life. I call for these gifts to reveal themselves, even now, to begin their growth.

Help me, as his parent, to recognize Your hand at work in his life; to see these stored talents ready for release.

Grant us wisdom for their maturing.

Place the perfect teachers and people of influence on his path.

During his play time, sleep time, and study time, mold his mind and spirit to hear Your voice.

Grant him the ability to obtain wealth; grant him the capacity to obtain knowledge; sharpen his vision to see Your hand at work around him.

May my son have the heart to reach out of his wealth and storehouse of ability to meet the needs of others.

May our home be the example of this selfless life. Begin with me to show my child that my abilities weren’t given to bury but to invest for a greater return for the Kingdom of God and for Your glory.

In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading---Matthew 25:15, 2 Corinthians 8:3, 1 Peter 4:11

Saturday, May 17, 2014

God Bless My Child With A Controlled and Disciplined Life

Father, Solomon shared from his wisdom to possess a controlled and disciplined life. One who is under control is wise. If his mind is controlled by the Spirit, he will have a blessed life and peace.

I know my life must demonstrate control before him. There is power and security in an unwavering life. I want him to live in a home that has a strong foundation. How can he see the benefits of these characteristics if we do not steady our own vessel and discipline our home life as Your Word so instructs; proving the reality of reward for such restraint?

Help him at this young age to understand this blessed principle of control. Help him to know how to draw back when the soul wants to expel hurtful words. Help him to line up his desires to Christ-like standards; to allow his feet to walk paths of righteousness.

May he know the joy of discipline and the righteous force it creates when it rushes between the banks of your instruction.

Help him to walk through his teenage years controlled and focused. Help me to teach him priorities as a child and pre-teen. Help me to recognize difficult areas for him and spend concentrated time overcoming these struggles; to dig up seeds of complacency before they take root.

Thank you for his life and the joy he brings to us. He is blessed and favored. I am honored to bring him to You. Guide him to a purpose-filled life.

In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading: Proverbs 10:17, Proverbs 12:1, Proverbs 25:28, Proverbs 29:11, Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Thessalonians 4:4, 2 Peter 1:5,6

Friday, May 16, 2014

God Bless My Child With Clear Direction

“I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

I have no doubt that Your hand is upon my child. There is a newness and purity in his life, ready to be molded by his Creator.

I give myself to the call to clear away obstacles in our home that could his vision of Your direction. In our home there will be teaching of Your purposes, laying the foundation of Your Word, recognizing principles You have set in place, and encouraging him to follow You as he seeks direction.

As You guided Your chosen people through the desert with a pillar cloud by day and a fire pillar at night, make it that evident to my child the way of his pursuit.

Prepare his ears to hear Your voice.

Draw his heart toward a yearning for Your Word and a hunger for Your presence.

Make his steps certain and unyielding. Make his foundation strong and unshakeable.

Your plans for your children are to prosper and give them hope and I believe that for my child. I declare that he will have clear vision each day he opens his eyes.

Settle the dust, lift the fog, bring light to dark places, and may he know which course to set his sail.

Thank you for Your constant mercy and grace.

In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading---Psalm 16:11, Proverbs 16:9, Proverbs 2:8, Psalm 23:1-4, Job 31:4, Psalm 17:5, Psalm 37:23, Psalm 119:133

Thursday, May 15, 2014

God Bless My Child with Provision

“So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field how they grow: they neither toil or spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” (Matthew 6:28)

 “For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:32-33)

 Father, thank you for Your promise of provision. I am cared for!  I am grateful that You walk before us delivering supplies to meet our needs.  Thank you that there will always be food to eat and nourishment for strength.  

Thank you that there will be warmth in my child’s home. Thank you for the clothes that he wears and for his continual covering as he grows from one size to the next.

I ask, even before he steps away from our home, to order his steps to places of provision. May his hands be blessed to produce wealth and create a home of plenty for his family.

 May he practice generosity to those that his life touches each day.

 I will teach him to respond from a grateful heart, keeping contentment as that constant characteristic which brings balance to a life.

 I will teach him to seek Your Kingdom and Your righteousness and to recognize this alone brings fulfillment for a lifetime.

 May there never be shortage but bounty.

May there never be less but more.

 Watch over his life as You do the lilies of the field. May he find the same rest as these flowers who fully trust You to care for their need of sun and rain.

Grant him drink in the desert place, give him food in a barren land.  From Your hand, Father, we find our supply with no lack in it!

 Thank you again for your promises to us, Your children!

 In Jesus’ Name---Amen

Additional reading---Matthew 6:34, Matthew 7:7-11, Luke 22:35

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

God Bless My Child With Contentment

Paul said to Timothy, “Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.” (1 Timothy 6:6-8)

He, also, said, “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5-6)

Our media encourages listeners to believe that they can have it all but Paul encourages us to be content with what we have. Father, bless my son with the contentment of Paul!  As he grows through those “I want” years, noticing all those things he does not have, may he have a special understanding and attitude of contentment.

As he begins career training and begins to work, help him to be a balanced man, knowing the difference between his wants and his needs.

Paul said to be free from the love of money and be pleased with what we have, so help me to model this before him during these formative years.

I want to show him my trust in You. You are the Provider of all my needs. I will serve You where I am and will trust You to bring all things together for my good.

I can rest, free of worry, and be satisfied knowing You are with me. May my son possess the same confidence in Your promises.

In the Name of Jesus---Amen
Additional reading---Philippians 4:11, Hebrews 13:5, Ecclesiaste 2:24

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

God Bless My Child With A Fulfilling Life

Lord, so many people are looking for a sense of fulfillment. They look for it in their jobs, their families, charities, church, recreation. But we know it is only found in a growing relationship with You.

 At an early age may my son accept You as the Lord of his life. Thank you for the peace of completeness that comes from You living in us. Grow in him, interact with Your child and may he acquaint himself with His very personal Creator and Savior.

 Father, I want my son to set his hands only on that which You have planned for him. Knowing he is fulfilling Your desires will bring satisfaction to his heart.

Help him to not waste effort doing what does not receive Your blessing.  May he set goals to pursue; always pressing ahead with new plans and ideas.  May he rest in these accomplishments led by You.

 May he find reward in a good days work and in the love of his family.  Bless him, Lord, each day with a sense of completeness and peace as he lays his head on his pillow each night.

 Give Him a listening ear.  Grant him understanding when he hears Your voice.

 Help him to be obedient above all and to set his heart on things above and not on this earth, fully trusting Your Words.

 In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Further reading: Psalm 90:14, Psalm 91:16, Psalm 145:16, Isaiah 55:2, Isaiah 58:10-11

Monday, May 12, 2014

God Bless My Child with Good Health

Father, bless my son with a healthy life.   May his days be long and absent from physical suffering.

As you created Adam, breathed life into him and made a perfect man, may my child’s body function in this order.   This is Your plan from the beginning......

Set every organ to work in proper order and his limbs to grow straight and strong.

Grant him strong hands, arms, legs and back to do the work set before him.

Keep him from the physical dysfunctions that plague our society. 

Help me to teach him to care for his body inside and out, eating the foods you designed to give strength for a lifetime. Give him desire for the food that blesses his body.

 During the years You have placed before him, he needs to walk out those years with the ability to move swiftly and hindered not by weakness of the body.

 Remove any limitations aimed at his endurance.

 Bless him abundantly with a covering of nourishment and safety.

 May he honor You with his whole nature; obedient to Your voice, expressive in his praise, and yielded completely as Your child.

 I know Your promises are for me!  I know I walk in Your continual coverage of blessing.  I know you are for us and Your heart is to see us whole, healed, and victorious.

 In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading---Proverbs 3:6-8, Proverbs 4:20-22, Proverbs 12:18, Proverbs 16:23-24, 3 John 1:2

Sunday, May 11, 2014

God Bless My Child with Divine Favor

Lord, I know Your favor rests on my child. You have given him increase and You keep Your Covenant with him. (Leviticus 26:9).

 Moses said, “teach me Your ways so I may know You and continue to find favor with You.” (Exodus 33:12)

 Teach my child Your ways and guide his steps toward You.   May Your Words and presence intercept him time and time again until Your acquaintance becomes his home and comfort.

 May Your favor rest upon his hands.  Give him fruit for his labor.  Bless all his hands find to do and grant him prosperity.

 May he find favor in his body with perfect health and for safety to surround him.

 Grant him the fullness of Your blessing.

 Solomon said of wisdom, “Whoever finds me, finds life and receives favor from the Lord” (Proverbs 8:35).   Oh, that my son will ask for wisdom!  (James 1:5)  Place desire in his heart to seek for this divine knowledge that only comes from You.

 May he find kindness in Your sight and desires granted, as they line up with Your full purpose.

 We remember Your compassion toward us when you laid down Your life for Your Children. You showed us the favor of God through Your obedience to Him. 

 You are for us! Thank you, Father, for this perfect gift.

 In Your Name---Amen

Additional reading---Psalm 5:12, Psalm 30:5, Psalm 106:4, Proverbs 3:3-4, Proverbs 8:35, Proverbs 11:27,

Saturday, May 10, 2014

God Bless My Child with Promotion

 Lord, as my son walks with You, put people in his path who can teach principles that lead to promotion.

 Build in him a strong business mind that will aide him in every area of his life.   Promotion is granted to those that are focused; those that put leadership principles into practice.  May he have that singleness of mind to focus on achievement.

Let him never short change an idea before it has been studied and searched out; leaving opportunity for it to solve someone’s problem.

 Grant him promotion in every area of his life. Promote him in his job; may the leaders of the company find him superior in work ethic and abilities.

 Promote him in the community; to be counted a man of high character.

Promote him among his peers; may he be held in high regard and considered trustworthy to hold confidences.

 May he be a noble man; one of strength and honor.

Teach him while he is young because these characteristics must be lived from an early age.  Help us in our home to manifest these same characteristics and set an example before him.

 Above all, I am asking for Christ-like character.   Advance us in this faith journey.  Keep us from sitting on our hands or regressing from a productive walk.

 Promotion is growth.  Forward thinking is a must.

In Your Kingdom, Father, we pursue promotion for Your glory.  May You be honored in all that we do.  

In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading---Genesis 39:4, Genesis 39:21, Esther 2:15, Daniel 5:29

Friday, May 9, 2014

God Bless My Child With An Obedient Heart

Samuel tells us, “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams.” (1 Samuel 15:22)

 What greater pleasure is there than to do what is most pleasing to the Lord? For my child, mold him an obedient heart, grant him a mind and soul that heeds the Words of God before satisfying selfish ambitions.

 In his young years may he manifest his obedience to God by his obedience to us, his parents.  You promise long life to those who honor in this way (Deut. 5:16).  

 In the quiet times or in the clamoring noise of busyness, may he hear Your voice.  Help him in these early years to develop a listening ear.  Help him to distinguish the voice of self and spirit and heed the voice of our Father.

 May he respond to the call of relationship, the gentle exchange of conversation with his Creator.

 May he respond to the call of command, to lay aside present activity to carry out Your instruction.

 You are an awesome Father Who first showed us the gift of obedience. Without Your obedience our eternity would not be a blessed hope.   You secured our future by Your submission to Your Father.

 We lean our ear to Your voice knowing that this is Your great delight.

 In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading: Exodus 19:5, Deuteronomy 12:28, Jeremiah 42:6, Romans 6:16, Colossians 3:20

Thursday, May 8, 2014

God Bless My Child With Abundance

 Father, You are the God of abundance; abundant in mercy and grace; able to do much more than what we could think or ask for.  I desire to see abundant provision in my child’s life; a well so deep it cannot be measured.

Help me to teach him Your principle to “honor You with his wealth, with his first fruits of all his crops so his barns will be full to overflowing.” (Proverbs 3:9-10)

 Help me to teach him Your principle to “give and it will be given to you.” (Luke 6:38)

 Help him to capture the full meaning of these truths, applying them not just to finances but in giving of forgiveness, giving of mercy, giving understanding, and giving of patience.

 Help me to show him Your faithfulness through my obedience in giving so that I may demonstrate in our home that Your Word is a faithful Word, one that cannot be shaken or proven untrustworthy.

 May he not lack in food, shelter, or clothing; love, encouraging words, or a warm embrace.  May he not lack in God-loving friends, honorable teachers, or a Kingdom family.

 May there be no lack in perfect health, safety to his body, or a constant hedge securing the perimeter of his mind.

 Your Word says that You reward those who diligently seek you (Hebrews 11:6). My first desire is that my child know You; that You draw him to Yourself and that he acquire a holy, intimate relationship with You.

 May he always have seed to sow.

 I desire that his life show Glory to God. Teach him early about abundance and the responsibility of such a gift.  May he, in turn, become the teacher, declaring You as the “more than enough God!”

 In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading: Psalm 37:11, Psalm 65:11, Psalm 72:7, 2 Corinthians 9:8, 1 Peter 1:3-5

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

God Bless My Child With Long Life

Thank you, Lord, for Your gifts to us; promises and rewards to those willing to follow the principles of Your Word.

 To the children, You promise a long life if they are honorable towards their parents (Deut. 5:16), so I ask You today for an honorable and obedient child.  I desire that his life on this earth be long and blessed.

 Show me how to raise my child to have an attitude of respect for those in authority over him.  Guide my actions and words to strengthen him and give him confidence in following my commands and disciplines.

 Place in him a fear, a Godly fear, for those You put in his life to build character and values that will serve him throughout his days on this earth.

 May his days be filled with strength, keeping his body strong to do the work set before him.

 Keep his mind strong to calculate and reason through decisions that will be placed upon him.

 When he stands alone or before a crowd, may the crown of wisdom be a testimony of the hand of God upon his life.

 Grant him longevity and a prosperous life, full of the things of God.  May every step on his journey be a confident step toward finishing his race of the most high calling (Philippians 3:14).

 Thank you, Lord, for this life of longevity!  It is a protected life and one of good health so his time here will not be shortened or disabled.

 You are our reward. We praise You for these blessings of life and promises to secure our future in You.  We rest each day in You.

 In the Name of Jesus ---Amen

Additional reading: Deuteronomy 5:16, Psalm 91:14-16, Proverbs 3:1-2, Philippians 3:14

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

God Bless My Child With A Godly Wife

Father, Solomon, the wisest king, said, “He who finds a good wife, finds what is good andreceives favor from the Lord.” (Proverbs 18:22)

She may not be born yet, but You know my son’s wife even before she is in her mother's womb.

Place her in a home where You are life and breath.  May her father guard her and give her the kind of love that mirrors Your merciful, abundant, and protecting love.

Hold her in Your strong arms and protect her from evil intrusion and from the one who seeks to destroy.  Hide her from attacks, make her invisible to the enemy.

May her mother be the mighty guardian in her life, a shield for her child.

Place her in a happy home, full of laughter, swinging, and games. Place her in a secure home where fear is absent within it’s walls.  Place her in a prosperous home where lack does not exist.  May she always have seed for a harvest.

As she grows and matures, guide her steps toward You, to accept You as Lord over her life.   Place within her desires to know You and search out mysteries of Your Kingdom.

Prepare their lives at this young age.  Keep them pure till their special day of Covenant.

Make of her a woman of God and a wife to complete my son.  May she be kind toward him, her husband, gentle in word and deed.  May she have a special love, keeping herself only to him.   May she find that special way of lifting him up and showing him that their relationship is a treasure.

Help her to be a good wife and respect her husband.   May her words be encouraging and full of wisdom to him.   Grant her the abilities to create a peaceful, warm atmosphere in their home.  May she be supportive with every action.  Make her of “noble character, a crown to her husband.” (Proverbs 12:4)

Place within my son all that will complete this special young lady.  Fill him with desires to be the man of the home who will guard his family and carry the responsibility of loving his wife as Christ loves the Church.

May their home be their refuge and place of peace.

Bless their home with prosperity.  Bless the work of their hands.  Multiply finances and provide every need.  May there be plenty to live without debt and plenty to bless others.
May there be seed to produce strong and healthy children and may these children, my grandchildren, grow to be mighty men and women of God.  May they then learn from their parents all of these God attributes and to love Your Word.

Fill them with Your wisdom to avoid disaster and create solutions for a prosperous life together.

Grant my son and his wife a life of good health and longevity, growing every year closer to each other and to You.

Whoever she may be, I claim her for my son; kept her only for him till their day of appointment.

In the name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading: Proverbs 12:4, Proverbs 31:11, Proverbs 31:26-28, Proverbs 31:30, 1 Corinthians 7:3-4, Ephesians 5:33

Monday, May 5, 2014

God Bless My Girl With A Godly Husband

Lord, like so many little girls, I know my daughter will dream of being a bride.  There will be fairy tale weddings and Prince Charming affections to dream about while she is young.   Her 'true love' hasn't made his entrance yet, perhaps he isn't even born, but I want to ask, today, that You begin to prepare their hearts for each other.

To her future husband, mold his heart after Yours and set it toward the things of God.  Set his path to encounter You time and time again and fill him with Your Spirit.

Place within him, even at this time, the desire to love my daughter “as Christ loves His Church and gave Himself up for her.” (Ephesians 5:25)  May he “love his wife as his own body.” (Ephesians 5:28)

Place him in a home with Godly parents and influence.  May his father be full of grace and great wisdom, passing to his son an inheritance of faith.  May his father speak of the faithfulness of God and speak freely of the Lord’s goodness.  May he be seen standing in the storm trusting completely in You.   May he teach his son the attributes of a Godly man and, by example, how to govern his home respectfully.

May his mother guide him to spiritual maturity and 
surround him with the Word of God each day.  May she teach him about governing finances and the ways of the household.  May she stand in the gap and face the fierce storm on his behalf till of age he can stand on his own, knowing his God is with him.  

In the quiet hour or in the clatter, may his mother and father be the anchor in their home for him to grow in rest.

I pray that he will be surrounded with a great amount of love and support.   As he grows, may Your words be on his lips, evidence of Your presence in his heart.

You know where he is today; grant him a safe and healthy up-bringing.  Hide him from the enemy and from any attack.   Redirect a path leading to destruction.  Keep him strong in body.  Grant him joy and a merry heart.  May his life be happy.

Prepare them both today for their encounter tomorrow.  Keep them only for each other and keep them pure till their special day of Covenant.

May he be a kind man, gentle towards my daughter, considering her before himself.  May he speak words of encouragement, uplifting her during those times of stress and conflict.

Place within him a call of the Lord.  Let him find great pleasure in Your presence.  May he never be too proud to fall on his face before You.  And may he be a person of study of Your Word seeking Your truth and guidance for everyday decisions that they will encounter.

Grant him a good work ethic, never letting his family be in lack.  Remove any laziness from his character even now as a child.

Bless their home with prosperity.  Bless the work of their hands.  Multiply finances and provide every need.  May there be plenty to live without debt and plenty to bless others.  

May their home be a place of refuge and place of peace.  May they possess healthy seed to produce strong children and may these children grow to be mighty men and women of God;  following the You in all their ways, seeking You as the Author of their life.  May they be taught by their parents Godly attributes and to love Your Word.

Bless my daughter with a special love for her husband, keeping herself only to him.  May she find that special way of lifting him up and showing him that their relationship is a treasure.

Help her to be a good wife and respect her husband.  May her words be of great peace and wisdom to him.   Grant her the abilities to create a warm, restful atmosphere in their home.

May their life together be long and healthy, growing every year closer to each other and to You.

In the name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading: Genesis 2:24, Proverbs 31:23, Isaiah 54:5, 1 Corinthians 7:3,4, 1 Corinthians 7:10, Ephesians 5:25, Ephesians 5:28

Sunday, May 4, 2014

God Bless My Child with Courage

Oh, Lord, bless my son with courage!   Men's hearts have melted with fear in the absence of this strength.

"Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9).  Lord, bless my son with the same assurance of Your presence.

Fear comes in the front of victory.   David’s courageous act of defeating the giant was with the understanding that he had a giant of a God with him!

Develop that kind of bravery within my child, ready to stand in the presence of his God, for his God.  Position him on this understanding that You are for Him.

Your instruction to us is to be of good courage, but only after You already stored within us this gutsy spirit to use. You command and supply.

Prompt my child to activate his daring heart without hesitation to accomplish all You set before him.   Grant him boldness to speak the heart of Your Word, to stand when others scurry from the battle.  Bless him with a Joshua and David kind of courage.

May the fearlessness of Your Spirit manifest in him and make of him that man of valor who knows his God.

You have blessed us with everything we need to walk this life.  You have secured us.  Thank you for Your faithfulness that continually supplies grace.

In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading---Deuteronomy 31:6, Acts 4:29, Acts 4:31, Ephesians 3:12, Hebrews 10:19-21

Saturday, May 3, 2014

God Bless My Child with Safety and Protection

Your Word says, “. . . that their (little ones) angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:10).   Thank You for this promise.  Lord, cover my child with Your hand; hide him from the enemy, make him invisible to the enemy’s eye.

Keep his body safe from harm, abduction, and predators who seek to destroy.  Stop the enemy in his tracks and abort any plan to touch Your child.

Guard his body from disease.  Keep him healthy.  Keep his immune system strong like You designed in the beginning.  Help us to teach healthy choices to keep our bodies in perfect health.

Keep his bones strong, grant a strong mind, and may a strong heart be his to serve him through his purpose on this earth.  Give him strong hands to do the work, a strong back to bear the load, and strong feet and legs to carry him to many destinations.

Give him ears to hear and a voice to speak wisdom, guidance, and praise.

May Your angels guard him day and night, striking down anyone with intent to harm. Change his path in danger.

Guard his life completely.  His life belongs to You.

In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading---Psalm 4:8, Psalm 61:3-4, Psalm 143:9

Friday, May 2, 2014

God Bless My Child with Joy

Father, I want my son to always rest in Your presence where there is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11).

There will be times of stress, doubt, sadness, and anger; but above all circumstance, may joy reign supreme in his life.

May he sense Your peace when He puts his faith in You.

Remind him, Christ-like qualities—love, joy, peace, long suffering, goodness, meekness, and faith (Ephesians 5:9) are our reward and strength.  There is no limitation on the harvest they bring.

Set in motion a joyful disposition, a true heart-felt contentment even in difficult times. 
Help him to overcome each situation with Your tangible joy, which you have made available for each of us.  Grant him a seat in Your presence where there is fullness, completeness, and perfect rest.

The joy of the Lord is his strength (Nehemiah 8:10).   I ask that he be strong and that he will triumph beyond that which desires to remove his joy.

I exalt you, Lord, as the Maker and giver of our joy.   You know how to fill us so completely.

In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading---Psalm 5:11, Psalm 16:11, John 16:24, Romans 14:17

Thursday, May 1, 2014

God Bless My Child With A Listening Ear

Awaken his hearing, I ask for my son, remove the deafening noise which may distort a Word of instruction or encouragement from You.

Give him the kind of ear that is listening for truth.

Above all the voices he will hear in his lifetime, may Your voice ring thunderous through his heart.

Unmistakably, let Your voice be known above the murmurs of men and busyness that will barter for his time.

Speak loud and strong till he knows the dialect and tone of Your voice.

From an instant cry of warning to Your gentle reassurance, may his response to You be without hesitation.

Sharpen his ear to hear beyond the words of man.  May my son hear the cries of the hurting.  When a brother’s heart cannot be conveyed in words, let my son hear the unspoken.  Ring the bell of the silent so loudly that it reaches his heart.

Thank you for turning Your ear toward us and being a listening kind of God. You are a God that knows the voices of Your children and so amazingly responds to our cry.

Accept the praise of our lips. We are so grateful to know You as our Father.

In the Name of Jesus---Amen

Additional reading: Job 37:2-5, Isaiah 55:2-3, Psalm 29:4-5, 7-9, John 10:27